Mariners Away Banner

Our concert banner was made by Lauraine, a very talented seamstress, and wife of Steve Mathewson, one of Mariners Away’s founding members.

Lauraine describes her magnificent creation as a mixture of foundation piecing, appliqué and quilting. Sounds painful!
A wrought iron stand, which we sometimes use to display the banner, was made by the late Dave Denford, the crew’s very own ‘Singing Blacksmith’.

Mariners Away’s Crew Song Folders

Lauraine is also responsible for creating the colourful and eye-catching song folders for each member of the crew.
She painstakingly produces the slip covers for the four-ring binders which contain our repertoire of over 200 song sheets and individualises each one by hand embroidering the titles of the shanties which that particular Mariner has adopted as a lead song.

Laurine… you are an absolute ‘STAR’, thank you!

More Information


For details of our performance rates, set lists, media info or any other questions, please contact one of the following: